Jonathan of Palouse Wargaming Journal invited the Rejects to an online game to dip our toes into the waters of Basic Impetus. The outing was to be an Egyptian/Hittite clash.
The Hittites are closest on the photos (screenshots), with me and Steve commanding. At the other end are the Pharaoh's boys led by Lee, Ray and Surjit.
As a complete novice, I have to confess to paying more attention to the rules than the action. So, what follows is a brief resumé.
Both sides rubble towards each other. The dust clouds representing the moving chariots. |
The Pharaoh's chariots smash into the Hittite chariots on the left. |
Ray, the Pharaoh, rolled beyond the laws of probability all evening and pushed the Hittite left back. |
... and back |
... and back.
... and back. The only consolation was that the Pharaoh was now isolated and damaged. |
The chariots on the Hittite right now sought to clear the Egyptian skirmishers and push at their chariots. |
But found themselves thrown back instead. Meanwhile, Steve on the Hittite left turned his spears and dispatched the Pharaoh. |
The centre seemed to be settling into a jockey for position with archery fire being utilised to damage the opponent. |
The Hittite commander trundled forward in the centre and got pulses racing with his ten dice in combat. |
The Egyptians set forth to break the Hittite right with a chariot charge which pushed back skirmishers, but then found itself at the sharp end of Hittite long spears... |
... before being impaled and destroyed. We were all learning that chariots are good but quickly exhausted without support. On the Hittite left, Steve's Pharaoh killing spearmen now cast their eyes on Rays last chariot unit. |
... and made it disappear! |
With that final murderous blow, the Hittites gained a victory.
What the novice learned.
After Ray's incredible and dramatic action in breaking the Hittite chariots on the left, I thought the game was up. However, there were some further lessons to learn.
- Keeping control, especially of chariots, is difficult but is the key. Pursuit can be very fruitful, but will leave those units damaged and vulnerable if isolated.
- Skirmishers are actually very useful if handled well to absorb shooting, or to evade and draw enemy onto better troops behind where supported lines may hold an advantage.
- It never occurred to me that infantry could charge chariots. This just adds to the need for care and judicious use of these expensive units.
- Despite Ray's extraordinary dice rolling throughout, once isolated the Pharaoh was in danger, and average rolls were sufficient.
- Basic Impetus games can turn quickly.
- Basic Impetus seems to provide fast and entertaining games.
I am sure there is more to learn, but this is a start.
Thank you to Jonathan, who will no doubt produce his usual exemplary narrative on this clash, for an excellent and informative evening.