Saturday, July 20, 2024

FRW French Dragoons Ride Out

Just off the painting desk is a regiment of French dragoons.  These are done as the 18th with pink lapels.

The figures are 28mm metal miniatures from Perry Miniatures.  They had very little flash on them, and were quite nice to paint.  Though, on reflection, I could have found a quicker and better way to do them.

These will see action as part of my French Revolutionary Wars collection.  Purists will probably be tearing their hair out... oh well!  Once they are on the table nobody knows or notices anyway.

I haven't got a clue what I'm going to paint next.  In a minute I'll wander down into the cellar of wargaming treasure and dig around until something catches my eye.


  1. That look great Richard, the green with pink facings really pops!

    1. They do don't they. Perhaps we should all wear more pink!

  2. Beautiful work Richard, and the pink and green is a very striking and effective combination.

  3. Fine work there Richard and purists be damned;)!

    1. Thank you Steve, and I echo your sentiment.

  4. Nice work, the pink does look grand. Have fun in going through your reserve choices for the next project?

    1. Thank you. It may give me an opportunity to do a stock take as well.

  5. They look absolutely wonderful Richard!
    Purists be d@mned. I have more books on Napoleonic uniforms than almost any other, single subject, and they look superb to me. If someone is looking at slight differences in helmet, length of coat tails or arrangement of buttons, they are missing the point entirely! (For pragmatism and multi-purposing, I'd accept an eagle above the flag, so that they could be used in the Napoleonic wars 'proper' too :). It's about a representation after all.)
    Sorry, that became a bit of an opinionated rant, didn't it!!
    Regards, James

  6. Splendid looking unit, they look great to me but then my dragoons wear bardin uniforms in 1809 ! I'm going to have to do another dragoon unit as I don't have one with pink facings and these look excellent!
    Best Iain

    1. I look forward to seeing those painted up Iain.


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