Thursday, December 19, 2024

Oh Little Town... for Gaming with!

When I started my 28mm French Revolutionary Wars collection a couple of decades ago, I set it in 1796 Italy.  In doing so I purchased a number of Mediterranean buildings and walls from Hovels.  Some got painted. Most did not!  I did not realise just how much wasn't painted until I checked through the shelves. 

Along with a load of walls, this is what I found and then promptly decided to paint them up.


... and back.

I got these walls painted up as well.

As I had the newly painted buildings out, I thought that I might as well get some of the older ones on display as well.

I had forgotten how quickly these paint up.  In putting acrylic to resin, I find myself encouraged and feeling renewed for figure painting after this quick win.


  1. A quick win on the Painting Front is a many splendored thing! Nice work getting these pieces ready for battle.

  2. I am a big fan of Hovels buildings and these came up beautifully. I always find that I am hesitant to start on buildings but that they are usually never as bad as I think they are going to be.

    1. Some may consider Hovels a little "old school" but they scrub up nicely.

  3. Very nicely done Richard. Hovels do make some great looking buildings.

  4. These look great Richard.....hope to see them in use with your Revolutionary collection soon!

  5. Nothing better than a quick win and these have turned out great

    1. Thanks Neil. Sometimes I need a quick diversion to recharge the figure painting batteries.

  6. Excellent looking Mediterranean buildings, nicely finished, mine are mostly plastic or MDF, resin gives you a more organic, less straight look and no doubt takes less time to build, he says having found a flat packed MDF villa bought ages ago!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thank you Iain. "Organic" is a nice adjective to use. No building involved with these.

  7. These buildings have a distinctive look. Very nice indeed

  8. A great collection of beautiful terrain, Richard!

  9. That's quite a collection in 28mm! Only just found your blog courtesy of TMP - I must explore the back catalogue of posts.

    1. Thank you Rob and welcome. Likewise, I'll pop ovrr and explore your blog.


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