Saturday, October 14, 2023

A Painted Mixed Bag

First up some FPW Prussian. These were an opportunity buy at a bring and buy at a show earlier this year. I have rebased them to match my collection I must confess that the only paint I applied was the spike to the helmets and the odd cross belt, plus adding standards.

Not sure who the figure manufacturer.

Left to right: IR11 2nd Silesian Grenadiers; IR36 Magdeburg Fusiliers

Left to right: IR85; IR84

However, for good or ill the FPW Bavarian unit is entirely my brushwork. This is the 11th Regiment.

Now for a change from metal to MDF. 6mm Commission Figurines in fact.  These have been painted to represent Carlstadter Grenzers during the French Revolutionary Wars. One stand to represent a regiment, the smaller ones as skirmishing detachments. They are in white coats as they are representing regularized grenzers.

Hopefully they will all soon see action on the tabletop.


  1. Great to see figures marching out from your workbench.

    1. Thanks Jonathan. Hopefully winter will see an increase in output.

    2. I hope to see the same on my painting front.

  2. Great additions to your FPW collection

  3. Lovely units Richard. They all look great but I particularly like the Bavarians you have done. Very eye-catching.

  4. Some nice reinforcements there Richard and I, too, particularly like the Bavarians - but then they have always been my favourite "box heads"! The Kornblumenblau uniforms, Raupenhelm and snazzy flags all add up to a very attractive looking army for around 100 years.

  5. Grest to see some more figures off the production line. Lovin the Grenzers!

  6. Great work there Richard and love the mdf figures, which you've done a superb job on:).

  7. Sorry for the late comment, Richard, but these look great. I do have an interest in the FPW too.

    1. No need to apologise. Thanks for the encouragement.

  8. Great looking FPW types can I add a vote for the Bavarians, they look great!
    Best Iain
