Sunday, June 9, 2024

Enjoying the Day at Broadside, 2024

The Rejects gathered en masse in Gillingham to attend the Broadside wargames show hosted superbly by the Milton Hundred Wargames Club, and to support and assist Ray's demonstration game of the Battle of Croix de Bouquet.  An engagement from the Haitian Revolution, 1792.

An unusually large contingent of red shorted Rejects on parade prior to the doors opening to the public.  I was obviously behind the camera.

This is not an in-depth account of the battle or the show.  Just a few thoughts at the most.  Others can and will do a better survey of the event than I ever could.

The next few photos show the game.

Ray's excellent town.

The rebels coming out to confront the French troops.

Lovely painted figures by Ray.  They certainly look very motivated.

The French line await the onslaught with a great deal of discipline.

Whilst Ray assembled the information, Reject Lee did a great job in presenting the material for display.  Lee was also did sterling work chatting to the public and presenting the game.

We all had opportunities to wander around the other games and trade stands.  I'll just post a couple of things that caught my eye.

First up was a game from Shepway Wargamers, Dornier Down.

I liked this.  The modelling was really good and was worthy of many return visits.  What I didn't capture was the large scale Hurricane flying above the table.

The next jaw dropping game was from Retired Wargamers Reloaded, featuring the struggle to keep control of the crossings of the Orne at Pegasus Bridge.

The last one that I will mention is a participation game from Maidstone Wargames Club.

Based on rules from a war comic published in 1977, this was a novel way of replicating aerial conflict.  I saw this game earlier in the year at Cavalier at Tonbridge.  I played it and loved it.  I think that the groups recreation of the scenery is absolutely top draw, and the way they have integrated the holding of the planes with the holes in each grid square was simple but clever.

Broadside may not be the biggest show, but it is friendly and family oriented.  I don't believe I have seen so many young families at a wargaming event.  It was heartening to see and, I think, gave the show an energy and vibe that makes it a little special.

Amongst those who seemed to attract great interest from families and especially the young children were these gentlemen of the 79th Cameron Highlanders.  They did a great job sharing their knowledge of weapons and the tools of 19th century military surgery to young and old.

The 79th Cameron Highlanders

In truth, there were lots of wonderfully produced games and interest to be seen.  Well done to Milton Hundred Club.  

I can't wait for next year.


  1. Ray's layout looks superb! Love the town and the jungle. Great job, guys!

  2. Great to see Ray's game laid out. As Jonathan says it looks great, as do some of the other games you have highlighted.

  3. Great looking layout!

  4. A great game from Ray and some other lovely ones too. Ah Warlord and Battle comics, so many happy memories of them!

    1. There were indeed Steve. Happy days of our youth.

  5. Excellent report on what was a great show and a great day.


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